Danes smo v sklopu projekta opravili strokovno eksurzijo, kjer smo se odpravili v Lendavo, ki velja za eno izmed najbolj multikulturnih mest v Sloveniji. V Lendavi smo se seznanili z Madžarsko manjšino, ki živi v Sloveniji. Obiskali smo Občino Lendava, kjer so nas sprejeli predstavniki občine, obiskal pa nas je tudi župan. Na občini so nam predstavili kraj Lendava, delo z madžarsko in ostalimi manjšinami, vključevanje ranljivih skupin in turizem v Lendavi z okolico. Prav tako smo bili veseli, da smo se seznanili s projektom Evropska prestolnica kulture in Lendavo kot eno izmed kandidatk v Sloveniji. Nato smo obiskali Madžarsko društvo, kjer so nam predstavili svoje delovanje in za nas pripravili aktivnosti. V sodelovanju študentov Lendava smo se sprehodili skozi mesto in si ogledali tudi razgledni stolp Vinarium.
The project seeks to make young people more aware of the meaning of minorities as well as the word itself, because it is often falsely interpreted. We wish to banish stereotypes that are steered towards certain minorities and contribute to greater tolerance towards each other. Goals of our project: familiarize ourselves with minorities that live in the area of partnering countries, the culture, habits and traditions of partnering countries, familiarize ourselves with the diverse culture through practical examples, develop young participants personal competences, get to know minorities in the region of Pomurje and Slovenia through practical examples, get to know life near the border and the cultures that inhabit the same space, get to know the Roma and Hungarian minority in Slovenia, make young people more aware of the importance of diversity, encourage young Europeans to participate in similar projects through social media, spread tolerance among young people towards different minorities, include young people with fewer
opportunities, get to know the field of human rights, improve team work skills, network organisations and strengthen the partnership.
The project includes 36 young participants from Slovenia, Croatia, Lithuania, Romania, Greece and Italy. Participants of the youth
exchange are aged from 17 to 30, among them are participants with fewer opportunities and youth leaders that are over 30 years old.
#erasmusplus #youthinaction #CltureCrash #celebratediversity #love #tolerance #movit #europe #europeanunion #europeancommission
Več informacij o mladinskih izmenjavah: http://www.movit.si/erasmus-mladi-v-akciji/mladinske-izmenjave/
Asociatia SUPER TINERI (ASIRYS) - Romania
Asociacija TAVO EUROPE - Lithuania
Udruga za razvoj civilnog društva "EU korak" - Croatia
CESIE - Italy